5 Tasks for Roof Maintenance

5 Tasks for Roof Maintenance

A roof can be costly to replace, so taking the time to complete regular maintenance is essential. Doing a thorough annual roof inspection and completing the necessary maintenance tasks can extend the life of your roof and prevent costly repairs down the road. Here’s...
4 Common Sources of Odors in the Home

4 Common Sources of Odors in the Home

You keep your home neat and clean but occasionally notice an unpleasant smell. Unfortunately, odors can happen in any household. Garbage cans, damp bathrooms, and sink drains can begin to smell foul. The good news is that there are easy ways to eliminate bad smells...
10 Safety Tips for DIY Projects

10 Safety Tips for DIY Projects

If you’re like most homeowners, you enjoy taking on projects around the house to save money and add a personal touch to your living spaces. However, it’s important to understand that many projects have inherent risks. There are plenty of ways to experience...
4 Signs of Mold in the Home

4 Signs of Mold in the Home

Mold can be a serious issue in a home. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also cause health problems for the home residents. If you think that you may have mold growing in your house, it is important to inspect for all of the signs. This blog post will discuss five...
4 Signs of a Plumbing Problem

4 Signs of a Plumbing Problem

If you own a home, you must maintain your property. Some issues are not obvious and can cause costly damage if not repaired. Here are four signs of a plumbing problem. Slow Drains A single slow drain could mean the pipe is clogged. Try to dislodge the clog using...